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Make a Difference

Every day, people around us feel like life is against them and some even believe that God or the church is against them.


What if those same people knew that Crossroads is a community of people who are for them? What if our church and our lives became a billboard to let the people around us know that Jesus is FOR them?


We believe that people won’t know Jesus is FOR them if they don’t know that we are FOR them.


Crossroads isn’t just a place where we gather for church services, it’s who we are as we go into the marketplace every day. We are committed to providing an environment at church, and all week long in our backyard, at the ballgame, at our desk at work, etc. where we can help people experience the love of Jesus.


We believe that the vision God has for our church and lives will be determined by the size of our hearts for people. We love people because God loves people and we are in this community to make a difference!

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